August Sporting Clays — Moved to August 24

Because the New Mexico State Sporting Clays Championship is this weekend at Whittington Center, Mesilla Valley Shotgun Sports will hold our monthly shoot on Saturday, August 24, from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM.

The new procedures will be in place for this shoot. Please review the following and arrive early enough to be at your assigned station by 9:00.

  1. Shooters are to arrive and purchase their score cards no later than 8:45 AM. The cashier will be there at 8:00.
  2. Each shooter will be assigned to a squad of their choice. Squads cannot exceed five shooters.
  3. Each squad will be assigned a station to start on. They will proceed to their first station and be prepared to start shooting at 9:00 AM.
  4. No one, shooters or spectators, will enter the course without eye and ear protection.

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