Note: edits since initial post will be shown with old text struck out, new in boldface.
There are some changes to the days the shotgun range will be open in the next two weeks. Skeet shooting won’t be affected much, trap shooting will be more limited, unless someone new volunteers to help. All ranges will be closed on Christmas Day but open on Monday, the day after.
Closed Christmas Day
Friday, 12/16 *NEW*
Saturday and Sunday, 12/17-18
Wednesday, 12/21
Saturday, 12/24
Monday, 12/26
Wednesday, 12/28
Saturday and Sunday, 12/31 and 1/1
Closed Christmas Day
Saturday and Sunday, 12/17-18
Wednesday, 12/21
Saturday, 12/24
Monday, 12/26
Saturday and Sunday, 12/31 and 1/1
Maybe open:
Saturday, 12/24
Wednesday, 12/28
Saturday and Sunday, 12/31 and 1/1
Note: I’ll keeping our calendar at updated as I get more information.