Monthly Club Skeet Shoot

Beginning this coming Sunday, June 25, beginning at 9:30 a.m., we will have the first of our monthly club skeet shoots. Following shoots will be held on the last Sunday of each month. 

The club shoot will include 50 targets of regular skeet at a cost of $20. Registration at 9:30 shoot at 10. Handicapped classes from AA thru C: The championship will take place at the October shoot, you must have shot 2 prior shoots to be eligible for championship. In addition to the regular skeet there will be a Calcutta plus 50 doubles for those interested. The October shoot will include lunch provided by the club. Come out have fun and a few laughs. Info Preston 586 215 3060.

The club skeet shoot registration will be at the Sun Shade for field 2. We will shoot on fields 2 and 3. If you have a squad let Preston know. You may also use these targets as registered monthly targets for NSSA at an additional cost of $0.04 per target


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