This is to notify all members that the Annual Meeting of Mesilla Valley Shotgun Sports, Inc. will be held on Thursday, February 5, 2015, at 6:30 p. m., in the Game & Fish conference room on Northrise Blvd.
The Agenda for the Annual Meeting will be as follows:
- Certify the results of ballots to elect the Directors
- Annual Report
- Plans for 2015
Board Meeting
Immediately following the Annual Meeting the newly elected Board will meet to choose officers. Everyone is welcome to attend the Board meeting.
Ballot for Board of Directors
Members should have received a ballot by email. Please respond as directed in that email.
In accordance with our Bylaws, your response must be received by January 31, 2015 for your vote to be counted. Also, January 31, 2015 is the membership renewal deadline for your vote to be counted.