5-Stand Instead of Sporting Clays Saturday, February 15

The 5-Stand field will be open this Saturday, February 15, from 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM, instead of the usual Sporting Clays.

Range is Closed Due to Wind Wednesday February 12

The range has closed due to wind.

The trap and skeet fields will open at 8am due to high wind forecast. This should allow you to get some rounds in.

Annual and Board Meeting Minutes

The minutes for the 2205 annual meeting are available at 2025.02.06 Annual Meeting

The minutes for the Board of Directors meeting are available at 2025.02.06 Board Meeting

All of our meeting minutes starting in January 2022 are available at http://mesillavalleyshotgunsports.com/meeting-minutes/

Public Trap and Skeet Every Saturday, Sunday, Wednesday

Mesilla Valley Shotgun Sports offers public trap and skeet shooting at the Butterfield Shooting Range every Saturday, Sunday, and Wednesday morning from 9:00 AM to noon.  Come on out for just $7 per round!

Our Mailing List

An email list has been created at https://groups.io/g/mesillavalleyshotgunsports, so we’ll able to get timely announcements to members of the club and other interested people. The list will only be used for announcements from the club to the membership — members will not be able to post to it, and if you reply to a message your response will only go back to the club.  To join the list, enter your email address in the box below and press the Subscribe button:


After you subscribe, you should receive a confirmation email. If you don’t, send me an email at joseph@pfeifferfamily.net and I’ll try to figure out what’s going on.

If you prefer, you can just send me an email and I’ll add you.