Below is a list of candidates for the Board of Directors. To vote, please send an email to Randy Toepher (
) by January 27 with your two choices and your own name:
Rick Richardson
Mike Smelker
Jerry Teufel
Jason Browning
My choices for the MVSS Board of Directors are:
My name:
If you would prefer, paper ballots are available from Preston at the skeet range and Jim or Fritz at the trap range.
Your dues must be paid by January 27 for your vote to be counted. A membership renewal form is available at Membership form with payment should be mailed to *MVSS P.O. Box 511, Las Cruces, NM 88004*. There are a few of the old membership forms floating around. Please do not use them.
Membership gives you a discount on shooting tokens and the right to vote on elections and other items of business at monthly meetings.
Note: This information has also been sent in emails to our mailing list. If you didn’t get it, please send me an email at
so I can try to figure out what’s wrong.