On Saturday, September 23, we are supporting David Stambaugh – Director First in the Field, NM Youth Conservation Foundation, with shooting instructions at the range beginning around 9:00 a.m. for about 10 kids so they are better prepared for a dove hunt Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning over a milo field in La Mesa. They will begin in the classroom building at 8:00 with a hunter education refresher, shooting instructions at 9:00, followed by lunch, then go on a dove hunt in the afternoon. We are looking for a few volunteers to help give the kids guidance in the dove field and if you have a dog to retrieve the birds that is even better. The volunteers will be allowed to shoot doves after the kids leave on Sunday. If you can help, please give Joe a call at 575-642-2072 or email him at MVShotgunSports@comcast.net and he will fill you in on the details when they become available to him.