On Wednesday April 1, 2015 a trapshooting clinic will be held at our club. This clinic will be presented by legendary trap shooter and shotgun dealer Doug Gray. The clinic will include instruction on proper stance, sight picture, and all the other pointers that we forget over the years. So if you are a newer shooter or an old pro who needs to remember the basics, this course may be for you.
The course will include everything from patterning to actual trap shooting.
The class cost is $35.00. Please bring your shotgun, plenty of ammo (at least 5 boxes of shells) and tokens for trap rounds.
In addition, Doug’s wife Susie, an authorized Decot Sport Glasses dealer, will be there if anyone is interested in purchasing quality shooting glasses. Class space is limited, so please sign up by March 22, 2015. Contact Rich Norton with questions or to sign up.
Phone: 575 644 4365
Email: norton47@msn.com